HydroPower Optimization Software
How Does MaxHydro Work?
Output data
System outputs
Station Power
Optimal Reservoir Levels
Station efficiency
Inflow-Level-Release curves
Reservoir Level - Spill water
Minimum release
Tail water level
Tri dimensional Station efficiency Matrix
Depending on the selected Objective Function MaxHydro will generate the final outputs.
If the objective function is Maximization of Benefits:
Tariff for each time step
Benefits for each time step
If the objective function is the minimize the difference with a giver power profile:
Generated power on each time step
Demanded power on each time step
If the objective function is to maximize benefits in a mized Hydro-Thermal scheme with Import/Export:
Power demand on each time step
Exported power on each time step
Imported power on each time step
Combined hydro and thermal power on each time step
Energy output data
The system layout (series/parallel)
Number of reservoirs
Objective function
Numerical discretization, time steps (more than 600 time steps)
Start up costs and ramping constraints
Minimum and maximum discharge and other constraints
The following are some screen shots from MaxHydro's input data:
Objective functions
Objective functions
• Maximization of energy
• Maximization of benefit
• Minimization of squared differences from a given power profile
• Maximization of benefits in a mixed hydro-thermal system with Export/Import
• Minimization of costs in a mixed hydro-thermal system
For more details about the input process and variables please have a look at the MaxHydro demo page