With more than 30 years experience in software development and hydropower optimization MaxHydro is a name you can trust.

The software was developed by Dr. Zoran Petreski a Civil Engineer BSc with major in Hydraulic Engineering, and PhD and MSc degrees in Planning and Management of Complex Water Resources Systems. Successfully completed two additional postgraduate study courses in Water Resources Management (Italy 1990) and Hydroinformatics (The Netherlands 1991).

As a design engineer, Zoran provides innovative, reliable end cost-effective solutions, combined with the expertise in numerical modelling to efficiently formulate and solve complex hydraulic engineering problems. As a hydraulic or hydrological modeller Zoran can apply and use various numerical techniques to formulate and solve simple and complex water resources problems. And as a computer programmer Zoran can successfully produce engineering tools, which encapsulate the wide knowledge and experience into simple and easy to use computer programs that can boost the productivity of the design team.

Proficient in the numerical modelling and analyses, have used finite difference, finite elements, method of characteristics, linear programming, dynamic programming and several other numerical techniques. Have used or familiar with the use of numerous hydraulic engineering or water resources software solutions, such as Mike11, Mike 21, Mike SHE, Mike Basin, HEC1, HEC2, HEC5, EPANET, AutoCad, WaterCad, WaterHammer and transients analysis software etc. Have used various statistical software packages and Monte Carlo, Auto Regressive AR and Auto Regressive Moving Average modelling for synthetically generating of stream flow sequences. Familiar with the GIS systems, Expert systems and proficient in use of the major SQL database servers, like MS SQL, Informix, DB2, Interbase, and have used Oasys SCADA systems, from Telvent and familiar with the OPC connectivity to SCADA.


If you want to get in touch with us:

Ph: +64 94142087 - Mobile: +64 2108446006

Or send us an email: info@maxhydro.com or info@zmnumerics.co.nz

Level 3, 61 Constellation Drive, Mairangi Bay, Auckland, 0630 - New Zealand

PO Box 300-102, Albany 0752 - Auckland - New Zealand

or send us email here

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Optimal unit allocation software


for Windows - all versions



Hydropower optimization software


for Windows - all versions


WWW development

WWW interface to Allocate or MaxHydro


Customization and changes to suit your needs

iPhone, iPad or Smart phone pages

SQL Database back end on request

Remote Cloud Services

Run Allocate or MaxHydro remotely on our servers

We will help to setup and update

Backup and email your data periodically

Interactively train and help your staff 

Help you with interpretation of results